AngularJS AOP 实例
2024-10-10 04:30:09
AngularJS有种机制叫做拦截器(interceptor),它是$http扩展点,类似ASP.NET MVC的过滤器filter机制,对每个$http请求的发送和接收过程进行过滤。
中有一个 interceptors
module.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) { $httpProvider.interceptors.push('myInterceptor'); }]);
['$q', '$log', '$injector', 'loginContext', 'eventAggregator', 'maintainUtil',
function ($q, $log, $injector, loginContext, eventAggregator, maintainUtil) {
'use strict'; var apiToken = loginContext.apiToken;
var tokenType = loginContext.tokenType;
var webApiHostUrl = loginContext.apiHost + "/api/v1"; return {
//token save to services for further usage
tokenType: tokenType,
apiToken: apiToken,
webApiHostUrl: webApiHostUrl, // On request success
request: function (config) {
if (config.isWebApiRequest && !config.isPlugin) {
config.url = (config.mkApiUrl || webApiHostUrl) + config.url;
config.headers = config.headers || {};
config.headers.Authorization = tokenType + ' ' + (config.mkToken || apiToken);
var specificOfficeId = Mres.specificOfficeUtil.getOfficeId();
if (specificOfficeId) {
config.headers["specific-office-id"] = specificOfficeId;
} else if (config.handleApiRequest) {
config = config.handleApiRequest(config);
return config;
// On request failure
requestError: function (rejection) {
$log.error(rejection); // Contains the data about the error on the request.
// Return the promise rejection.
return $q.reject(rejection);
// On response failture
responseError: function (response) {
$log.error(response); // Contains the data about the error.
if (response.status === 401) {
//window.location = '/logoff';
} else if ( {
if ( == 'MenantInactiveException') { aresMaintainUtil.goToMenantInactivePage();
eventAggregator.publish(, response, 'myInterceptor');
} else if (response.status === 0) {
var isSaasApi = true;
if (response.config && response.config.url.indexOf('//marketcenter') > -1) {
isSaasApi = false;
if (isSaasApi) {
aresMaintainUtil.ensureInMaintainMode().then(function (isInMaintainMode) {
if (isInMaintainMode) {
// Return the promise rejection.
return $q.reject(response);
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